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How did we get here?
The Realtime Results Story:
Realtime Results began life providing connection services to new homeowner movers.
We assisted customers with the activation of phone, tv, home security and utility services. Through the growth of that business, and our expertise in developing business solutions, we were contracted by a fortune top 20 telecommunications client to build an order processing tool for their retail sales channel. Our solution was deployed to over 2,000 stores nationwide and was responsible for processing over 1.5 million orders.

With a focus on product development and increasing support of our clients, we developed the Open Door Solution.
Realtime Results’ Open Door Solution provides companies with a web-based platform for dispatching leads and work orders to sales or service personnel. Reps in the field use Open Door to access assigned work on their mobile device and then capture valuable information on customized forms.
Open Door also provides powerful management tools to monitor rep productivity through GPS tracking and robust reporting. The Open Door Solution has been deployed in the cable, telecommunications, home security and energy industries, among others. Over one million mobile forms and 60 million GPS transactions are processed on the platform, every month.
- Assign lead directly from a map
- Capture orders on customized mobile forms
- GPS track reps in the field

Realtime Results continued to diversify, expanding into the product recall business by acquiring one of the strongest product recall management teams in the industry.
This group came to us with deep industry knowledge regarding recalls governed by the CPSC, NHTSA, FDA, among other regulatory agencies. Since the acquisition, we have expanded and grown our team of recall professionals and significantly enhanced our recall services.
Today, companies large and small look to Recall Results as a strategic partner for product recall planning, management, and outsourced services. Our experience and expertise extends across the product recall landscape.
- Product Recall Notifications
- Call Center and Internet-based registrations
- Product logistics and processing of remedies